American Film, TV and Country Music Pioneer Ramblin’ “Doc“ Tommy Scott (1917-2013) shares an appearance with his Last Real Old Time Medicine Show in 1978 at the CMA Family Reunion Show and Country Music Fan Fair. Gaines Blevins “Ole Bleb“ and Scotty Lee appear. Archives editor: Randall Franks For more information, visit .
Scott stepped into the entertainment field as he crawled up on the back of a “Doc“ M.F. Chamberlain’s Medicine Show wagon in Toccoa, Ga. in 1936 giving him his first opportunity to leave his parent’s farm in Eastanollee, Ga. and become a traveling showman.
Chamberlain tour
...ed the South for roughly two more years retiring from the show he began in 1890 and turning it over to Scott lock, stock and medicine formulas including the laxative Herb-O-Lac, also called Man-O-Ree and Katona and a liniment that Scott sold as Snake Oil. Scott moved to North Carolina in 1938 gaining a position on WPTFShow more