Freedom Rally Darwin NT (extended footage)

Our freedom and our liberty is at stake. Worst of all so are our lives and those of our families. And fellow humans we must stand in unity, it is the key, unity. The sovereign tribal people of these lands extend our hands to all residing on this continent to stand with us in Unity. And together we can erode the sickness governing our lives and build a healthy future for all Australian people in partnership with the true sovereigns of these lands and through the only law that holds any validity on this continent we urge that all protective services to stand with the people not with the corporate agents harming us all. A Barrister once told me “if you witness a crime you must report it, you must do something about it”. Well this is a crime that we must all expose and stand together United as one and seek justice for all, and ensure we do all we can to afford the people of Australia and the world their right to freedom, liberty and our basic human rights. Anything less is giving in on our current and future
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