Dr. S.C Nigam narrates his Sahaja Yoga Miracle Experiences - Medical Press Conference, 1993
Dr Nigam: Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Dear Friends. Here is a man who is standing before you who was once a very great, successful private practitioner, a medical practitioner. And in 1980, while he was shaving, of all a sudden he had a very severe paralytic stroke. Within two minutes a normal human being becomes a cabbage. Since I was a medical doctor I immediately rushed to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences. I was treated for one and a half months within Medical Institute. They could not diagnose why I suffered with it. And then, I carried on, to go for my physiotherapy for thirteen months, regularly every day. Which is on the record.
Being a medical man, I knew now that there is no way out by which I could become a normal man. At that time I was on crutches. I could not eat anything because my tongue was paralysed. I could not speak properly because my tongue and lips were paralysed. And on this earth, the truth is, I was just like an animal. Just like; I had nothing left in my life. Because being a medical man I knew that now I was not going to improve at all.
Since there are doctors here and you great journalists are here, I simply want to inform you – in medical science if somebody suffers from paralysis, he definitely gets improved; he gets cured. But in the first six months of the attack. My case starts, my recovery started thirteen months after my stroke. I was told by somebody that you try Sahaja Yoga.
In the beginning, I did not believe it. But the day I met Shri Mataji I knew that this is the truth. And from that day on, I am standing before you. I travel a lot. Just to tell everybody that this Sahaja Yoga science is much, much greater than what we are taught in medical colleges.
Believe it, this is the beginning of the highest science on Earth.
Medical science, I will simply give you one example. Just one example. Professor Rai is sitting here. He was the head of the Medical Department of Maulana Azad College. He was a professor of physiology. His wife was suffering from migraine. The wife was suffering from migraine for the last twenty years. And all these doctors, they were giving her four tablets of Compose(?) three times a day. Twelves Composes was given to his wife every day.
Look, he is one of the best medical doctors in India. One of the best. And he could not cure his wife. He had all the facilities and amenities with him, but nobody could cure her. And when she joined Sahaja Yoga, she has become all right.
What I have to inform you very humbly, sir, do not believe me. I have given an open offer to all of you, with the permission of my Mother, Shri Mataji. I live in Delhi. If any of you or your relationship is suffering from migraine, very simple. Migraine means “adhyasar ka dard”. Any of you is suffering – you come to me. Nothing is charged; we will work on you. And see the results yourself.
I throw a challenge to medical science doctors also. Can they cure this disease, migraine? No. Nobody can cure. You bring to us. If we are able to cure, then you believe us. Thank you very much.
Shri Mataji (in Hindi): Look, now that he has said it, do not bring all the sick people. I request you. Because those who are physically fit and healthy, they are fit for it. They should present themselves and become their own doctors. You people can become your own doctors. You can heal yourself. It is not necessary that you have expert medical skills. There is no need for medicine.
You can just find on your fingers which chakras are spoilt. And you can cure yourself. But what happens is that as soon as a sickness is cured, two or three hundred people appear saying cure our illness also. It is better that you become your own doctors. You are press persons, but you can become your own doctor. By becoming doctors you can heal others yourself and also make great strides in all your activities.
Because with this, there is a type of dynamism that arises in an individual. He becomes calm in away. He understands each thing in a very beautiful way. You just think, in our London, there is a lot of unemployment. But not one Sahaja Yogi is unemployed. They are all employed. And all those who have come to Sahaja, they have progressed so much. It is not that they got money but because the state of their attention became so good that they rose to great heights.
Now the way of a mother is that if she has to give castor oil, she puts chocolate in it. But I add chocolate to chocolate, I can tell you that.
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