This is the Dutch episode no. 26 of . called “Toeta Froeta“.
The original English title is “The secret of life“.
I compiled this episode from various sources.
The opening theme is copied from a different Dutch episode.
The episode itself and the closing theme were recorded years ago on a VHS tape by myself.
Enjoy this very rare Dutch episode!
Notice the different opening tune (yes, it really IS different and this is the way it was broadcasted back then!) and the different pictures during the closing tune.
The TROS broadcasted 26 episodes of . in Dutch, which are very rare to get hold of these days.
I am still missing some of these episodes, so if anyone has a Dutch episode, please contact me.
1. Een dijk van een dijk (In Dutch)
2. Koude koorts (Cold fever)
3. Een dubbeltje op zijn kant (A matter of gravity)
4. Nachtmerries (The Lippizaner mystery)
5. Stroom