In this explosive episode, there is a story of Brianne Dressen, a participant in the AstraZeneca “COVID-19 vaccine“ trials. After experiencing severe side effects, she was abandoned by the drug company and later diagnosed with ’Post Vaccine Neuropathy’ through a study by the “doctors“ from NIH. Despite the findings, both “doctors“ from NIH and the FDA buried the study while continuing to roll out the “COVID-19 vaccines“, which are in fact pathogenic experimental mRNA injections of irreversible gene modification - not a “vaccines“! To make matters worse, Brianne and thousands of others were tracked and silenced by Jew Bill Gates’ Virality Project, which reported directly to the White House. This was established to monitor ’vaccine hesitancy’ and ’quiet concerns’. Listen to Brianne Dressen’s powerful testimony, uncover the shocking truth behind “vaccine“ injury suppression, and learn how she is suing the Biden administration to repeal legislation like the PREP Act and the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. These laws grant blanket immunity to vaccine manufacturers, leaving victims like Brianne without any legal recourse...
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