6-10-2022 Family Dynamics

Yesterday, Shadow came in with a fish, looked around waiting for Spirit to arrive… what is that we hear coming in? A screaming eagle, but wait, it’s Jackie, not Spirit! We know where Spirit gets that from. Shadow isn’t willing to give up his fish, a few words are exchanged and that is that… until Spirit arrives. You’ll notice that fish Shadow was keeping for himself was just relinquished for his eaglet. It was that simple, Jackie can fish for herself, Spirit can’t. At the end of the day, they all gathered in one of their favorite roost trees. You can see Jackie & Shadow side by side near the trunk and Spirit fidgeting to the right. Spirit isn’t a brat, spoiled, ungrateful or mean to her parents. Spirit is behaving exactly as Jackie & Shadow hopes she will. This is the bold, aggressive, and assertive eagle they raised from a little fluff ball. Spirit must be aggressive to survive on her own. The survival rate for eagles in their first year is about 70%, after the first year, the survival ra
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