How to stop cats pissing on your car, The best cat video ever! - Craig Turner

Find all the cat photos and me on Facebook: ::Be sure to comment and share your thoughts or even your neighbourhood cat problem. Also let me know which of life’s questionable problems you want me to solve next ;-) -- This is a short film shot in Perth Western Australia, on my struggle and solution to my problem with neibourhood cats urinating on my car and property. --- Seriously I don’t hate cats, This video was the result of a legitimate ongoing problem we have had with cats in our area. Washing cat urine off our doors and cars was becoming an increasingly time consuming and frustrating part of our weekly routine. Not to mention the many nights lost sleep with cat fights, we have even had property damage. Basically I thought “bugger it“, why not turn our problem into entertainment, Everyone likes a funny cat video on youtube ;-) -- Find me on twitter too: --- Song: For those
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