One year at my grandparents house for Christmas, we happened to see their cat (Once wild but tamed) come face to face with a possum. Me being 12 years old, I took out my shitty waterproof camera and started recording. Right then, their cat delivered a nasty 4 piece combo to the possum and the rest is history. I uploaded it to Youtube and blew up.
Years later when I was in NYC, we got an urgent package in the mail with a letter inside. It was a letter from Ridiculousness on MTV. So the producer wrote to me saying that Rob Dyrdek loved the video and thought it should be on the show. Unfortunately, they wanted the original footage (without sfx and music) and being a kid not knowing it would’ve blown up I didn’t have it. Ah well.
(I’m not Micheal Vick, for anyone who’s wondering. I’ve gotten death threats from this video chill) Also, I have no idea if it’s Opossum or Possum, leave me alone.
4 years ago 00:03:22 148
12 years ago 00:00:24 132
Opossum and Cat fight
4 years ago 00:09:56 27
Mother Opossum and babies removed from shed
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Wild Opossum Playing Dead (Fremont, California)
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Mother Opossum and Babies 2
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Opossum | 2D Animation by Paul Cichon
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Watch what happens when a tarantula encounters a baby opossum | Science News
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Jaguar E-Types and an angry opossum | Barn Find Hunter
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Petting a Vicious Old Opossum
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Meet A Baby Opossum
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