Resident Evil 4 Demake - The very 10 first minutes [Playstation Mod]
A few days ago, I was wondering what a Demake of RE4 would look like on the classic RE engine, so I set out to make something that is fully playable on any system that can run PlayStation 1 games. For now, this is a test of the concept and the future of this project is yet to be determined as im working on a new RE2 mod that needs a couple of fixes and will be out soon so stay tuned :)
The very first 10 minutes of RE4Demake mod for Playstation1 [ Still on early stage of dev , not final product ] Enjoy :) 🖤☣️
☣️ *RE4 Demake - COMPLETE CD2* ☣️
You can follow the updates on my twitter and discord !
If you want to see more of my public mods check this playlist
🎮[PUBLIC Releases]🎮
If you want to see old experiments and mods that i did on the past check this playlist :
✮🎮 More PSX Mods ( Resident Evil ) 🎮
Many thanks to Us3r cr0ft for creating the RE4 enemy models and animations
Kawasake09 for most of the items screenshots
Andrew/Enrico - Leon Demake skin