MMD x JJBA drop it (microorganism)

models by usako motion: effects: AutoLuminous, real figure shader, WorkingFloorAL, Earthquake, Kirakira, Blackout. ------------------------------------ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I NEVER THOUGHT THAT I WOULD LOVE ABBACCHIO AND BRUNO THAT MUCH. I AND JOSUKE ARE MY ONLY HUSBANDOS FROM JJBA FOR NOW BUT OMG... LIKE THEY’RE THE FIRST ANIME BOYS THAT I LOVE THAT MUCH WITHOUT BEING MY HUSBANDOS. I WANT THEM AS MY BROTHERS. They’re precious. Never thought that I would normally love a character more than Kakyoin (Kakyoin stills precious tho-) Diavolo is very cute physically btw- Like omg Diavolo with Bruno’s ~ Ahem sorry, just finished Golden Wind recently, u know, I’m really new in the community- (I cried so hard when Abbacchio met his ex-colleague again and for Bruno-) But I’m spending all my night reading Stone Ocean while I still can since we have school in 3 days. :’0 Just wanted to be active his TEST THESE MODELS NOW THAT I FOU
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