Far Cry - Collateral Damage / Trap (Level 8)

Far Cry - Collateral Damage (Возмещение ущерба) Far Cry Texture FIX - Far Cry - Возмещение ущерба, Прохождение игры. Уровень 8. Западня. Far Cry - Collateral Damage, Walkthrough. Level 8. Trap. Pretty hard level. Jack will have three assistants including Vell. There will be practically no real help from them. In my case, in about 70% of attempts to pass the level, they simply climbed onto the fire and died. In addition, the level is terribly idolized. In my case, every second attempt to pass ended in a crash from the game. You need to last 18-20 minutes of real time. With each new arrival of mercenaries, their weapons will become more and more destructive. At the beginning they will arrive with pistols, and at the end of the level already with grenade launchers
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