The Tombstone - META large GROUP and ZERG base | Opencore & MultiTC & mountain roof. Build tutorial

The Tombstone - META large GROUP and ZERG base Rust | Opencore & MultiTC & mountain roof. Build tutorial This rust clan base includes MultiTC, opencore. God mountain roof and Widegap. U can find this base on Builder’s Sanctuary’s servers. The code at the end of the video! Вы можете найти базу на сервере Builder’s Sanctuary Код в конце видео! If u like my bases please subscribe me! Если тебе понравились мои базы, пожалуйста подпишись на меня! MY SETTINGS ON DISCORD - ocunamaje - - MY RESOLUTION = 1440x1080 - - SERVER??? [EU] Builder’s Sanctuary Main | Creative | Sandbox connect ===== TAG ===== #rust​​​​ #раст #rust​​​​​​ #rusthighlights​​​​ #rustmoments​​​ #кгые #rustbase #zerg #rustbase #rustbasedesign #rustbasetour #rustzergbase
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