Cartoon car Porsche 906 Carrera 6 1966 in Blender 2.8

Cartoon car Porsche 906 Carrera 6 196 create in a blender 2.8 there are textures in the materials. the file has materials that can be edited, can change color, roughness, specular! the model has a good mesh that deforms well. and there’s a rig in wile that allows you to create the coolest animations! 4 hdri in file, choose which one you like. 10 materials created for the car! rig let you: deform the casing, control the position of the casing, wheel position open the trunk floor, doors, shave speed and direction. the file has all the poses. as on render You can buy model here: music: Sergey Cheremisinov-City Of Lonely Ghosts
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