Here’s to the Memory - Part 6
Dance hall with a live band. A quickstep. Evening Standard headlines: “Nazis invade Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg: French Towns Bombed“ and “Germans Advance on Wide Front, 335,000 Saved from Dunkirk in 1000 Ships“. Footage of men leaving Dunkirk. On board ship. Walking down gangplank, injured and dishevelled men.
01:46:34 - Soldiers on shore watch for the enemy. C/U of soldier looking through binoculars. Evening Standard headline: “Channel Battles All Day: 12 More Down“. Air raid siren, young boy scouts run across a field. Airmen run to their aircraft. C/U of pilot in cockpit of plane. Chocks pulled away and the planes - Spitfires? - take off. They are American planes. Air battle. Voice over of Winston Churchill’s speech: “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few“ etc. Montage of World War Two munitions work. Travelling shot in a factory, many shots of women at work, men in aircraft construction industry. Notice abou