Reiki for protection from bad energy, curses, bad luck. asmr black obsidian crystal healing
In this video I am sending protection Reiki energy from bad energy, curses and bad luck. I am using strong protection symbols combined with a distant Reiki healing, crystals and angelic energy. I am also removing negative energy that doesn’t belong in the aura and creating a protective bubble from other’s energies. In this ASMR Reiki healing session (softly spoken) I use carnelian to protect against psychic attacks, Black obsidian and Black Tourmaline crystal healing to remove negative energy from the aura in this healing video. This is good to use if you’re feeling attacked psychically or want to be clear of suspected black magic, evil eye and you want to work on removing and protecting yourself from other’s energy. So this Reiki distant healing is perfect if you want to work on any of these areas. Watch as often as you need.
This healing video session combines softly spoken explanation of the healing, relaxing ASMR hand movements and Crystal Reiki healing from myself (a Reiki Master) u