Korean Makeup vs American Makeup 한국 메이크업과 미국 메이크업의 다른점! :)

안녕하세요 오늘은 한국과 미국의 메이크업을 관찰한 결과 제가 느낀 점들을 간단하게 비디오로 만들어봤어요~ 재밌게 보시고 Thumbs up! 공유! 부탁드려요~♥ 감사합니다!!! Hello everyone ♥★ today’s video is the difference between Korean makeup and American makeup. I’m not saying all Korean does their makeup this way or all American does their makeup this way :) These are just some things I recognized in Korean makeup and American makeup. I hope you enjoy this video :D Thank you soooo much for watching!!!! ♥ Watch my VLOG here :
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