A bit of military classics under Richard Wagner. “Musicians“ liberated the Uglegorsk CHPP.

A bit of military classics under Richard Wagner. “Musicians“ liberated the Uglegorsk CHPP. Our operator Alexander Vladimirovich @alpushini_news (I recommend subscribing) illustrated the success of “Orchestra“ Yesterday, stories about the capture of the Uglegorsk TPP by the “Wagners“ appeared on federal TV: Russia 1 put them in the evening prime time, Channel One - in the program “Time Will Show“. We do not recall that the Group was spoken about so openly. The “Orchestra“ before the NWO was a semi-mythical association, which even within Russia was positioned by many exclusively as mercenaries and deprived of any ideology other than monetary. This performance, imposed by the West and “our“ liberal media, even survived Syria, where the musicians directly defended (and bore the brunt of the war on earth) the interests of Russia. At the same time, they were silent about them inside the country, and in rare cases they were called “volunteers“ - even in the office itself there was a short period when they tried to root the name “Wagner volunteers“ in everyday life. Nevertheless, even then, their own “culture“ began to form around the “Orchestra“, and they became something more than just a paramilitary formation: their own music and hits, chevrons, fans, media appeared - in the army, especially in special forces, beloved RSOTM has become a telegram channel. Even then, a romanticized, but already more realistic image of the Wagnerites began to make its way to the masses. “Musicians“ began to become in the people’s minds what they really are: not bloodthirsty mercenaries - “ihtamnets“, but simple homespun men who know their business and love their homeland, no matter how pathetic it may sound. Now, following the success of the “Orchestra“ in the Donbass and the plots of federal TV, more and more people learn about them and their music - this is the biggest award, recognition from the people for which you are ready to live and die.
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