The Beatles Hit Songs Collection 2023
0:00 Help! - The Beatles
2:22 Norwegian Wood - The Beatles
4:31 Stand By Me - John Lennon
7:59 This Boy - The Beatles
10:12 Imagine - John Lennon
13:10 Blackbird - The Beatles
15:35 Love - John Lennon
17:58 Across The Universe - The Beatles
21:24 In My Life - The Beatles
24:11 Jealous Guy - John Lennon
28:26 Here, There And Everywhere - The Beatles
30:59 While My Guitar Gently Weeps - The Beatles
35:16 Dizzy Miss Lizzy - The Beatles
38:17 Grow Old With Me - John Lennon
41:30 Strawberry Fields Forever - The Beatles
45:29 Julia - The Beatles
48:25 Oh My Love - John Lennon
52:12 Crippled Inside - John Lennon
55:20 You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away - The Beatles
57:31 Two Of Us - The Beatles
Cover By FlyingPenguinMan (Tokyo,Japan)
『未来人。僕 - A man of the future. Me』
試聴ダイジェスト トレーラーをYoutubeで公開中
『未来人。僕 - A man of the future. Me』
全12曲 ¥1,500 (税込)
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