I Started Balding In School at 16

Welcome to The Baldcafe Podcast. In this Short Episode we welcome Pieter. Pieter noticed that he was going bald in school. His friends would make some light hearted jokes and when dating girls would ask...“What’s up with the hair, are you going bald?“ He was able to shrug it off but those early years were painful. Pieter talks on how he really felt like thinly one going through it and how he would have to have a strategy with hats and weather reports in order to feel more comfortable about the hair situation. Eventually enough was enough and at 21 Pieter decided to shave off the fading hair that was causing him pain. This is Pieter Story of how he dealt with Male Pattern Baldness. I hope you enjoy and/or find it helpful for dealing with your own journey. The biggest thank you to Pieter for coming on and sharing 🤝 If you are struggling with hair loss then read my free ebook here:
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