Just PAINT and WATER - Gorgeous Acrylic Pour Painting with Prussian Blue and GOLD😍 - Acrylic Pouring

This Acrylic Pour painting is done with paint and water only! Love working on a round panel! The composition alignment reminds me of Ying and Yang with very powerful movement. The blow dryer technique requires a very fluid consistency, which allows creating the most beautiful lacing, cells, and color transition with the most simple recipe. I hope you enjoy the outcome!😊 Previous pours done with paint and water only: Our ONLINE COURSE has launched! Acrylic Pouring A to Z - Collaboration with @MOLLY’S ARTISTRY and @Rinske Douna Over 7 hours of video tutorials Additional Text and TIPS Lifetime Access to the Course & Future Updates 🏵🏵🏵 RECIPE AND SUPPLIES 💠 Acrylic Paint and Water only Approximately 3 parts paint to 2 parts water (60% 40%), but this proportion varies depending on pa
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