25 Photoshop TIPS AND TRICKS (must know!)
Learn all about brush smoothing, rubberband tricks, hidden sliders, hidden views, tricks to make healing easier, and much more in this Photoshop tutorial!
00:14 1. Bird’s Eye View
00:36 2. Painting selections
01:29 3. Sticky (temporary) tools
02:10 4. Overscrolling
03:00 5. Blank blend layers
03:35 6. Opacity hotkeys
05:24 7. Move selections
05:49 8. Rubberbanding the Pen tool
06:48 9. Smoothing for brushes
07:32 10. Instant image export
08:20 11. Export multiple layers as an image
08:50 12. Duplicate anything
09:33 13. Straighten images with the ruler
10:01 14. Straighten perspective in seconds
11:43 15. Fill type, shape, and fill layers
12:52 16. Merge selected layers to a new layer
13:48 17. Healing edges
15:00 18. Color replacement
16:05 19. Isolate a single layer
16:25 20. Switching document hotkeys
16:51 21. Copying layers
17:14 22. Temporary rotations
17:56 23. Hidden scrubby sliders
18:54 24. Gray point eyedropper
19:47 25. The banana tool