Borden, Hampshire.
Intertitle: “THE PRINCE WITH HIS FUSILIERS. Some exclusive pictures of .’s visit to the 1st Royal Scots Fusiliers of which he is Colonel-in-Chief“.
L/S of the Prince of Wales, Edward, shaking hands with an officer. They are standing on a military parade ground, behind them is a battalion of troops standing to attention. Another officer walks into shot and the Prince presents him with a medal. Various shots of officers being presented with medals.
M/S of a group of twenty or so officers seated, as if posing for a photograph. More shots of the presentation of medals. Various shots of the Prince and the officers outside the Officers’ Mess, in the distance is a crowd of onlookers.
Various shots of a military brass band marching around the field, leading the troops past the Prince. More shots of the officers outside the Mess Hall, a man in civilian clothing appears to be directing them (possibly the photographer).
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