Sonic Adventure DX - Adventure Field Emblems

This video shows the locations of all the emblems found in adventure fields in Sonic Adventure DX. I put them in order of the character I used then the location of the emblem. The following is a list of the order of the emblems in the video using the format: number - character I used - location - time (rounded) -------------------------------------- 1 - Sonic - Station Square - 0:00 2 - Sonic - Egg Carrier - 0:22 3 - Big - Mystic Ruins - 2:00 4 - Knuckles - Mystic Ruins - 3:06 5 - Knuckles - Mystic Ruins - 4:13 6 - Tails - Station Square - 5:15 7 - Tails - Station Square - 5:31 8 - Tails - Station Square - 5:54 9 - Tails - Mystic Ruins - 6:16 10 - Tails - Egg Carrier - 6:47 11 - Tails - Egg Carrier - 7:37 12 - Tails - Egg Carrier - 8:16 -------------------------------------- You can get number 1 and 3 with any character you want. 4, 5, 6, and 9 can be found with either Knuckles OR Tails.
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