Happy Birthday | С днем рождения | On Lavender Hills | На Лавандовых холмах
It’s Oink Oink’s birthday in our musical cartoons Lavender Hills. And everything is going wrong! The cake and the skirt have been burned, the music is not working and, worst of all, her best friend Baa Baa has forgotten about Oink Oink’s Birthday! But Baa baa has not forgotten; when out buying Oink Oink’s present her bike is sabotaged by the angry cow Kitchy Kitchy Koo and it is a long way to Oink Oink’s home. How can Baa Baa Pink get there? Imagination...
PingiKroki Educational Cartoons for Kids in Russian
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Health of babies -
Songs for kids -
Collections of PingiKroki Animation Project -
Beautiful Lullabies -
The action of the musical cartoons LAVENDER HILLS takes place in the town named for the lavender-covered hills it is built on.
Five animal characters live in the town, where their world is full of love, friendship and music. There is no speaking – just sounds and gorgeous music, but that’s pretty enough to demonstrate its motto – «Only imagination lets us fly!».
3 weeks ago 00:11:35 1
ПЕСНЯ С ДНЁМ РОЖДЕНИЯ 🎂Шикарное поздравление С ДНЕМ РОЖДЕНИЯ!!! Happy Birthday (Russian Version)
3 weeks ago 00:21:55 1
HAPPY Birthday Song | Happy Birthday to You | Happy Birthday Song Remix
2 months ago 00:01:23 1
Поздравляем племянницу с днем рождение от тёти - Happy birthday niece from aunt
2 months ago 00:00:00 1
Peppa Pig Full Episodes - LIVE 🚨 BRAND NEW PEPPA PIG EPISODES ⭐️