Prototype End Cutscenes HD

After remembering this video: and realizing how terrible quality it was, I decided to remake it, only better! This is mostly since Prototype 2 is coming out soon for PC, and I figure it’d be nice for people to have a bit more background to the ending of Prototype than what my first video showed. Yeah, I really don’t make these kind of videos; there’s always someone else who does. But with 76,125 views on my first prototype ending video, that’s more than 7 times the views for some of my montages. So I figure at least some people were finding it useful, and I wanted to help people like them more! Those black bars at the top and bottom of the cutscenes are present ingame. It’s really annoying to me, but I’d have to stretch the video to get rid of them, and then everything would look horrible, because it’d all be stretched.
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