!!! I’m not the owner of the Song !!!
If you think that a serious copyright harm was done here, please contact me via the comments or my email
The greatest legend of russian history. Maki’s biggest songcover, Katyusha. A huge thanks to all of you who supported, shared and liked this little piece of art. In this synthetic of russian and german we want to overcome our boundaries and unite as we meant to be.
!! Feel free to use this song where ever you want, if you give credit (link to our video or mark the channel’s name) !!
Расцветали яблони и груши,
Поплыли туманы над рек
Выходила на берег Катюша,
На высокий берег на крутой.
Leuchtend prankten ringsum Apfelblüten
still vom Fluss zog Nebel noch ins Land
durch die Wälder kam hurtig Katyusha
von des Flusses steiler Uferwand
und es sang ein Lied aus frohem Herzen
3 weeks ago 00:02:37 13
Katyusha dance War Army solo Военный танец Катюша сольный