Keep On Swimming + More! | Kids Music | Super Simple Songs
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Over an hour of your favorite Super Simple songs to dance along to! 🎶 When you want to give up, try again, keep on swimming, keep on swimming. When you want to give up, try again, keep on swimming, keep on swimming. 🎶
0:00 - Intro
0:05 - Keep On Swimming
3:02 - See You Later
4:35 - Once I Caught A Fish Alive
6:02 - The Bear Went Over The Mountain
8:20 - The Shape Song #1
12:29 - The Farmer In The Dell
14:08 - Open Shut Them #3
16:25 - Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?
18:50 - Red Light, Green Light
20:41- I See Something Blue
23:30 - Let’s Go To The Zoo
27:10 - The Alphabet Is So Much Fun
29:10 - Alice The Camel
31:06 - Mary Had A Little Lamb
33:48 - Take Me Out To The Ball Game
35:22 - The Rainbow Song
37:56 - The Eensy Weensy Spider
39:59 - There’s A Hole In The Bottom Of The Sea
42:39 - Red Yellow Green Blue
44:30 - Hid