One of the most beautiful and largest model railways in France - Renaud Yver ’s HO scale MRR layout

In this video, we discover the beautiful model railway layout built by Renaud Yver in 1/87 scale. Presumably many French railway modellers are familiar with this superb layout. Therefore, it is time to present this large model train layout to the international viewers of Pilentum Television as well. Especially for Pilentum Television, Renaud Yver shot some cab ride videos, so that we can discover the beauty and the dimensions of his MRR layout. Renaud Yver describes himself as a precision mechanic in model making, as he has been a visceral surgeon for many years now. Like many model builders,... he started as a child with a Christmas Train Set made by JOUEF. He was seven years old at the time. The passion for model trains has never left him and since then he has always had an operating layout at his home. In this video we discover the tenth model railroad layout that Renaud Yver has built in a large attic. The rail model is called “Luzy”. Luzy is a reproduction of an imaginary railway line in the S
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