The End At South Bank Aka Demolition Of Festival Site (1952)

South Bank, London Demolition of South Bank Festival Skylon and Dome of Discovery - work GV. Massed crowds around Dome of Discovery during Festival of Britain. (Lib.) LV. Skylon. (Lib.) (quick pan). GV. Demolition work in progress on South Bank. SV. Dismantled girders. LV. Remaining half of Skylon and partly demolished Dome. SV. Mr. David Eccles, (Minister of Works) looking up at Skylon. SV. Angle shot, Skylon. SV. Workmen cutting girder with acetylene burner. GV. Top view, skeleton Dome of Discovery roof. SCU. Notice ’Sea and Living World’, pan to staircase and balcony. GV. Interior, wrecked Dome. CU. Notice ’Outer Space’, pan up to skeleton roof. LV. Pavilion being demolished. SV. Notice ’Fairway’ pan round to demolished site. LV. Man standing on roof, using hammer. SV. Man cutting through girder. SV. Man using acetylene torch on girder. MV. Man cutting through last portion of girder. LV. Girder falling, man slips from end and falls onto girder, bounces off and hits ground.
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