The Wrath of Cortex - Traveller’s Tales Pitch

The story behind this video is as follows: Traveller’s Tales, the team behind The Wrath of Cortex, initially created an animation done on Maya to show what they thought the next Crash game should be like. They presented this animation to Universal Interactive back in the year 2000, which helped convincing the publisher of their capability to produce a new game. This game eventually became The Wrath of Cortex. It’s thanks to the efforts of a fan by the username of iSwamp that this piece of the game’s history has reached the public. Back in 2009, iSwamp contacted Mark Cerny to learn more about the game’s development and add new information to Crash Mania. After sharing some history, Mr. Cerny suggested that he contacted Jon Burton, the director at Traveller’s Tales, to learn more. Among some interesting tidbits, Mr. Burton generously donated this animation to Crash Mania. On behalf of all the fans, Crash Mania thanks the three people who made this possible! Interestingly, and even though nothing else had been
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