DMC4: Nero\Dante Taunts + other stuff

Nero’s and Dante’s taunts (missing one) from “Devil May Cry 4“ by Capcom. Also includes some other animations and FX. Camera has been altered with SpoilerAL. Taunts 0:06 Nero’s default taunts 0:22 Nero’s B-style taunts 0:45 Nero’s S-style taunts 1:30 Dante’s default taunts 1:42 Dante’s B-style taunts 1:53 Dante’s S-style taunts 2:10 Boss Dante’s taunts Idle animations 2:40 Nero’s idle animation 2:49 Dante’s idle animation 1 3:11 Dante’s idle animation 2
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