All new Monster Turf Wars in Sunbreak which the community discovered so far. We recorded them in 4K. We are not aware of any turf wars missing, in case they do, let us know and we will update this video. Enjoy!
0:00 Garangolm VS Lunagaron
0:18 Espinas VS Kushala
0:33 Lunagaron VS Zinogre
0:53 Astalos VS Mitsuzune
1:07 Lunagaron VS Malzeno
1:25 Gore Magala VS Seregios
1:44 Malzeno VS Scorned Magnamalo
2:00 Aknosom VS Scorned Magnamalo
2:17 Blood Orange Bishaten VS Almudron
2:38 Aurora Somnacanth VS Aknosom
2:56 Furious Rajang VS Kushala Daora
3:08 Furious Rajang VS Rathalos
3:18 Scorned Magnamalo VS Rathalos
3:36 Scorned Magnamalo VS Teostra
3:54 Barioth VS Magnamalo (same as Scorned: 0,3% chance)
4:12 Furious Rajang VS Pukei
4:24 Furious Rajang VS Rathian
4:38 Blood Orange Bishaten VS Rathalos
4:55 Kushala Daora VS Scorned Magnamalo
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