The borders of Rome are vast and her enemies many. Counted among the ’uncivilized’ peoples rejecting Roman influence are the likes of the Celts, Gauls, Langobards, Dacians and others - and painting them is easier than you’d think! READ MORE:
Pick up a box of infantry for SPQR with a free copy of the new rulebook included! Order before the 24th of March:
Focusing on simple, bright colours that catch the eye, a quick shade and a shield transfer will do a great deal of the work for you when it comes to getting your barbarian horde on the table as quickly as possible! When painting men in mail
...shirts and helmets, this Barbarian Flesh primer continues to work well to help set a warm, ruddy shade to everything.
Other manufacturers such as Victrix or Gripping Beast sell ranges suitable for the varied tribes set against Rome’s encroachment, but be sure and double-check which come with transfers and which will require you to puShow more