Mortal Kombat 9 - Story Mode on Expert (Full) By Vman
Johnny Cage - 0:00:00
Sonya Blade - 0:16:09
Scorpion - 0:27:04
Cyrax - 0:41:50
Liu Kang - 0:49:20
Jax - 1:05:55
Smoke - 1:19:26
Sub-Zero - 1:29:56
Kitana - 1:41:11
Jade - 1:53:32
Kung Lao - 2:02:06
Stryker - 2:18:41
Kabal - 2:28:25
Cyber Sub-Zero - 2:40:26
Nightwolf - 2:55:12
Raiden - 3:11:20
Well, you guys asked, and I delivered. Here’s Mortal Kombat 9’s Story Mode done on Expert. All of this was combined into a 3 hour long video with funny/corny text commentary and sound clips that I hope you guys will certainly enjoy. You’ll notice a couple of things different in this video:
-I recently got a new computer along with a new editing studio. So not only do I have new and improved text formats, but I can place them in any position in the video without the frustration that I had with Pinnacle Studio. Speaking of which, if you guys enjoy how I’m placing the text in different spots, let me know so I know whether to keep doing it or not.
-In some chapters, you will notice that the cutscene to fighting transitions were edited in a weird way. This is because I backed out of the story mode at the time and practiced with a certain character to demonstrate more combos without doing the same ones over and over too much. I wanted to make this video as entertaining as possible. Please keep that in mind.
-In fights such as Johnny Cage vs. Sonya Blade, Cyrax vs. Johnny Cage, and Jade’s chapter, some frame rate issues occurred. Therefore, I needed to rerecord that specific fight or chapter. At that time, I just recently got my new computer and software installed. Only thing was that with the recording software, the recording settings were not the same as the ones on the old computer. Because of that, the color of those clips may look different than all the other ones. And for that, I apologize. This whole “new computer“ stuff was kinda unexpected.
That’s pretty much all that is new with this video. I’ll be posting some Injustice: Gods Among Us videos pretty soon when I get familiar with some of the characters. I’ll still be doing some MK9 videos here and there as well, since there’s some characters/combinations I would still like to demonstrate.
Thanks for the 10,000 subscribers! It’s much appreciated, as always. Hope you enjoy the video!
If you have any complaints about the commentary, please refer to this video:
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2 weeks ago 00:34:12 1
Шапка завоевала популярность. Подробный МК. В моём магазине - это ХИТ! продаж.
2 weeks ago 00:15:12 25
Вязание спицами. Вяжем ажурную кофточку для девочки 8 лет, регланом сверху, с карманами.МК (часть 1)