Can Foreigners Date North Koreans in North Korea?

Manon and Bryan are PhD candidates from France and their research is related to North Korea, therefore they studied the North Korean language several times for 1 month in North Korea to conduct their research. 1 month is longer than most foreigners stay in North Korea, so they have also been able to experience many different things than the average tourist. I am curious what exactly they experienced in Pyongyang during their studies at Kim Il-Sung University. I asked them about the small conversations, the food, the freedom, topics of conversation, dating, etc. Go check out the video if you’re curious too! Thank you for sponsoring this video ARTLIST. Amazing music for your videos: Your Link (Get 2 EXTRA months) 여러분의 영상에 쓰일 멋진 음악들을 다운받으세요! (2달 추가로 받을 수 있습니다) SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram @bartvgenugten MEMBERSHIP Become exclusive member of my channel and enjoy the benefits: 이 채널의 멤버가 되어 아이고바트를 더 친밀하게 즐겨봐요: .
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