Wicca Witchcraft Paganism | History & Differences & How to practice
#wicca #witchcraft #paganism
Witchcraft beginners often get overwhelmed with the contradicting, unspecific and muddled information that is out there on the topics of witchcraft, Wicca and Paganism. So it is very common to wonder what the difference between Wicca and witchcraft actually is. What paganism has to do with it all, and of course if witches are religious at all.
In this video I am taking you through the history of witchcraft, Wicca and paganism. We will discover how those terms were defined back in the times, how they developed with changing beliefs, and what we use them for in modern day and age. I will go into practices of witchcraft, what Wiccans believe in and what streams of modern paganism and neo-paganism are out there. Hoping this video makes it all a bit clearer for practitioners of the magical arts :)
00:00 Intro
00:59 What is witchcraft?
02:40 How do Western modern witches practice their craft?
04:00 History of witchcraft
08:00 Brain Farts
08:39 What is Wic