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Make Cord Bracelets 🙂Slow Go & Details🪻
When I was learning new knots, I pause many times during a video to see the details. Here I hope you get what you need like I do: magnified movements, slow speed, freezed moments of detail etc. Feel free to comment like N subscribe, I appreciate it.
Here’s what I use in the video❤️. Pls keep in mind that cord 0. 8mm works great with 1mm hole beads which just need one center cord. N 0. 8mm above cords with bigger beads will provide bold finish look 🙂.
1️⃣NYLON CORD (lavender):
2×35in 0. 4mm center cord
2×65in 0. 4mm bra
...iding cord
2×10in 0. 4mm after 2 of 0. 3mm beads braiding cord
1×7in 0. 4mm closure braiding cord
34 purple 4mm beads, hole size 1mm
17 silver 4mm beads, hole size 1mm
2 silver 3mm beads, hole size 0. 6mm
3 silver 6mm beads for ends, hole size 1. 2mm
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