Sony A1 Footage Color Graded (First Look)

How the Sony A1 footage looks when color graded (full review) Big shout out to Gene from Potato Jet for allowing us to get our hands on the footage from the the new Sony A1 and test it out on several different grading programs. You can follow and subscribe to Potato Jet here: You’re welcome! Potato Jet in my opinion has one of the funniest personality and best gear channels on YouTube. Now to the video: Although 8K seems like overkill, I do have to say that delivering to 4K becomes more mainstream we’ll definitely want to be oversample at 8K so that we can deliver crisp clean “push-ins” on 4K. In terms of the color sampling of the camera, it is a bit limited at the higher 8K resolution but you’ll have to watch the video to see our recommendations about this. Sony has included S-Cinetone into their latest camera but we don’t recommend it and you’ll have to see why in the video. You’ll get
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