Nike Freestyle Spoof commercial "No Style"

(2000) Back in the day, the Nike “Freestyle“ commercial was the shit. EVERYONE was talking about it. And rightfully so. It was an amazing spot. So my partner at work said offhand, “we should do a fake version with us clumsy white guys.“ I said, we totally should. So after a couple versions shot in a dark parking lot with car headlights and a video camera, I got a hold of a friend, Cris Dupont, just out of UCLA film school about doing a more professional version. He introduced me to Jason Moore, an aspiring director. He wanted to do it, and he had some money! It turned out great, was a blast to make and made us briefly famous. If youtube had been around when the original “Freestyle“ was relevant, this thing woulda got millions of views. As it is the other posting has gotten around 165,000 hits, which is pretty exciting to me. Great memories.
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