All About This Base SONG | Formidable Florence Nightingale | Horrible Histories

Florence Nightingale arrives to clean up the hospitals and give the soldiers the treatment they deserve - no wonder she was so popular there! Subscribe for more Horrible History: Visit our website: Get more episode of Horrible Histories as well as all the extras at BBC iPlayer, the home of Horrible Histories. #HorribleHistories is a hit #CBBC show that explores the side of history that they don’t teach you about in school! From the Rotten Romans, Vicious Vikings and Awful Egyptians to the Slimy Stuarts and Terrible Tudors, Horrible Histories covers the funniest, yuckiest and most gruesome bits of history for kids Watch more: Horrible Histories Compilations Horrible Histories Sketches and Parodies Horrible Histories SONGS! This is a commercial channel from BBC Stud
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