9. Don Quixote, Part I: Chapters XXVII-XXXV (cont.)

Cervantes’ Don Quixote (SPAN 300) The insertion of the Novel of the Curious Impertinent at the end of part one of the Quixote may be explained by Cervantes’ intention of meshing both the forms of the chivalric romance and of the collection of Italian novelle. The result, though awkward, leads to the creation of the modern novel. This short novel seems to have been included by Cervantes as a way to publishing it in the same way.. Reading the novel out loud, with all the characters gathered connects with the old tradition of reading literature out loud. The irony, however, is that this perverse love story is heard in the voice of the priest. González Echevarría interprets the novel trough René Girard’s theory of love always mediated by a third person who also works as a motivator. The story gives a contrasting mirror of literature to the young people at the inn who are involved in love stories about to culminate in marriage. Don Quixote’s interruption of the reading allow
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