World’s Fastest V-Bottom | Factory Billet

Since 2017, Factory Billet, the one-of-a-kind, 51-foot, canopied Outerlimits Offshore Powerboats V-bottom featuring twin 2,000-plus-hp Factory Billet Power turbocharged engines, automatic three-speed transmissions and sophisticated electronic management systems, has been raising the top-speed bar at the Lake of the Ozarks Shootout in Central Missouri. This year, team owner Jim Schultz set out to break the boat’s 166-mph three-quarter-mile course record it set in 2022 and hopefully top 170 mph, a mark Schultz has been eyeing since he started developing his own engine program for the boat the Rhode Island company built for him in 2008. What happened at the 35th annual top-speed competition was stuff of legends. Come along for the ride as Schultz, engine guru Mike Faucher and the rest of the Illinois-based Factory Billet team show off the boat’s unmatched technological advancements at the world’s most famous aquatic speed contest. Shot & Edited by: Scrapyard Media:
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