News From America (1963)

FLOODS HIT MANY STATES Ohio Valley, United States of America (USA). GV. Flood waters raging in America. GV. The Ohio river flooded over its banks, pan down to show man standing in doorway wringing out clothes. LV. Floodwaters raging beneath bridge. GV. Floods around houses. LV. Floodwater raging. LV. Boy in tree above the floodwater. Helicopter hovering above pan down to show harness being lowered with the boy. GV. The boy putting the harness on. LV. Pan, as he’s lifted through the trees to the helicopter. LV. The helicopter hovering. GV. as the second boy is hoisted through the trees to the helicopter. LV. The boy clambers into the helicopter. GV. The helicopter now landed, one of the boys is helped from it. SV. Pan, as he’s carried away. NEW PAN AMERICAN BUILDING OPENED New York. GV. & AS. The Pan American building in New York. LV. People going into the building. GV. Interior, the opening ceremony. SV. Governor of New York, Nelson Rockefeller, Mayor Wagner and Mrs Erwin Wolfson all cut the t
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