Dillon as new leader of the Irish Party in the House (1916)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Mr. John Dillon (Member of Parliament/Leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party) as the new leader? Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Sir John Dillon, M.P. ENGLAND: EXT ENGLAND MAIN TITLE (6ft) SV. Irish Party meeting? Pan from crowd to Mr. John Dillon addressing gathering. (2 shots) (20ft) SV. Another speaker addressing meeting. (23ft) Missing Making speech Personalities - Politicians, Ireland politician, meeting, gathering, crowd, activist, nationalist Background: Mr. John Dillon (Member of Parliament/Leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party) as the new leader of the Irish Party in the House FILM ID: VLVA6ANHHGS8FDTTWDDL8ADCXARJX To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed
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