(WARNING!) From India ~ (MEGA!) Food Shortages Are COMING! ~ Bill Gates | Food Shortage | Monsanto

Join our campaign! Saving Darleen’s Longhorns: Welcome back! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! We would be honored and humbled to have you as part of our YOUTUBE FAMILY! In today’s video, TexasDad and Matt are reacting to Vandana Shiva’s news interview. The Indian Farmers are under attack and this will have worldwide implications. We hope that you enjoy this video and share it with others. It’s very important to be aware of these things, continue having the conversations and share the knowledge. As always, Remember to LOVE YOUR PEOPLE, DO ALL THE THINGS, and REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAYS because HE IS SO WORTHY OF OUR PRAISE! Thanks so much for watching! Link To The Vandana Shiva’s video: Want to SUPPORT OUR CHANNEL? CHECK OUT OUR FARM SHOP LINKS BELOW! THE HONEY SHOP: NATIVE COFFEE LINE: https
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