We covers topics such as creating a new Laravel project, understanding routes and blades, using Laravel Breeze for authentication, working with migrations, raw SQL queries, query builder, Eloquent ORM, accessor/mutator, and image storage. It also includes a project for Help Ticket with features such as creating and storing tickets with files, deleting and updating models, and using Laravel notifications and has many relationships. Additionally, the course covers deploying the project using MezoHub.
00:02:07 Intro to course
00:11:41 Create new laravel 10 project
00:19:48 Intro to route and bla
00:33:12 Understand composer json
00:45:29 Full authentication with laravel breeze
00:58:41 Understand the migrations
01:11:13 How register form works
01:18:31 what is mvc pattern in laravel
01:27:12 running raw sql queries
01:40:23 using laravel query builder
01:50:30 what is eloquent orm
02:01:39 accessor mutator
02:11:10 config and cache
02:19:43 user avatar and tinker
02:32:36 mass assignment
02:38:22 avatar form and routes
02:49:25 method spoofing and csrf protection
03:00:24 controller and redirect session
03:08:45 form request data
03:24:42 image storage
03:36:59 storage link to public
03:52:31 Storage facade
03:59:53 Open AI PHP Client
04:08:17 Open AI Image generation
04:18:14 generate ai avatar
04:30:31 Login with GitHub
04:39:40 Login with GitHub part 2
04:52:03 Project: Help Ticket - Client Need
05:04:48 Project: Help Ticket - Migration Controller
05:22:04 Project: Help Ticket - Resource Route
05:34:50 Project: Help Ticket - Create Ticket
05:51:00 Project: Help Ticket - Store ticket with file
06:06:50 Project: Help Ticket - Delete Model
06:12:31 Project: Help Ticket - Pass view variable
06:20:52 Project: Help Ticket - Route model binding
06:30:59 Project: Help Ticket - Edit and update model
06:45:48 Project: Help Ticket - Admin Accessor
06:57:54 Project: Help Ticket - Request except rule in
07:08:27 Project: Help Ticket - Laravel Notification
07:19:05 Project: Help Ticket - Has many relationship
07:31:08 Deploy using MezoHub - Create Server
07:39:42 Deploy using MezoHub - Deploy Project
07:45:53 Deploy using MezoHub - Update ENV
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In this video, we will learn Laravel 10 from scratch step by step to deploy the laravel app into ubuntu AWS server using MezoHub
Learn the basics of Laravel 10 in this full course for beginners.
Laravel is an MVC-based free and open-source web php framework created by Taylor Otwell.
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