Did Stranger Things Get Ideas From My 1980s Home Videos?

Ever since the explosion of Stranger Things on Netflix, people have either told me that they believe the creators took inspiration from my 1980s home videos, or have asked me if I myself believe they did. Also, younger people have asked me again and again if the 1980s life shown in Stranger Things was a realistic representation of life during that time. So in this video I will compare some things shown in the series to my own home videos from the 80s and attempt to answer two questions: Was the 1980s life shown in Stranger Things realistic? Did they get any ideas or inspiration from my home videos? Along with comparisons to my footage I’ll also give you a few Gen X history lessons and stories from my life growing up in the 1980s. CHAPTERS: Intro - 00:00 Random moments in Stranger Things compared to my videos: Bike Riding - 03:16 Forts - 04:44 Bedrooms - 05:30 Police Station - 06:15 Sneaky Teenagers - 06:34 T.V. Channel Surfing - 07:42 Stores - 08:22
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