KabU Kabbalah Retreat 2021 - THE ULTIMATE PREPARATION EVENT [incl. Live Q&A + PRIZES]

►Get Your Tickets » ► FULL KabU experience » Are you ready for the 2021 KabU Kabbalah Retreat? This ULTIMATE PREP EVENT with live Q&A and PRIZES is open to anyone who is into learning about how to attain spirituality in an atmosphere of joy and uplifting unity. Here’s what’s going to go down... * REVIEW of the entire 3-day retreat schedule within an hour. * FIND OUT the latest updates that could help make it possible for you to attend the KabU Kabbalah Retreat. * PARTICIPATE in contests and win special surprises. * ASK your hearts away and have all your questions answered live by the coolest instructors ever. * LIVE music by Seth Breitman. * SHARE a lot of laughs together and celebrate connection. * GAIN a boost of inspiration and meet other fellow students who will be connecting live to this festive event. Can’t wait to see you LIVE, the more the merrier! :) And if you haven’t gotten your tickets for the retreat yet, what are you waiting fo
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