Tribute to the Imperial Guard - Cadia Stands

Last speech of Lord General Sturnn to the 412th Cadian Regiment, before the final charge at the battle of Cadia. The planet broke before the Guard did. Let the story of their sacrifice burn across history like a shooting star ! The Imperial Guard, also known as the Astra Militarum, is the primary fighting force of the Imperium, so numerous in size that even the Departmento Munitorum cannot place a figure on the number of Guardsmen under arms at any one time; the lists of new recruits and toll of casualties can run into the millions in a single day. It would be unfeasible trying to put any exact number on the strength of the Guard; however, it is believed that there must be many billions of Imperial Guardsmen, divided into millions of regiments. This absolute numeracy provides the Guard with its main power; their ability to deploy in numbers that, eventually, result in victory. Attacking in seemingly endless influxes across battle-zones, charging forth under the cover of massive barrages and deliver
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