Schubert Trio - as heard by Schubert! / Graf 1819 piano by Paul McNulty

Schubert Trio D898 mov.1 as it was heard by Schubert! The list of pianos that Schubert played includes instruments by Benignus Seidner, Anton Walter & Son and Conrad Graf - who, according Chopin, was considered to be the BEST piano maker in Vienna. The piano, played by Staier in this recording is a concert quality replica made by modern fortepiano builder Paul McNulty. Please subscribe to our YouTube cannel for more fortepiano videos! Paul McNulty fortepianos website: McNulty’s Facebook Page: Paul McNulty’s Instagram: German pianist and harpsichordist Andreas Staier, a famous fortepiano soloist, member of ensemble Les Adieux - with violinist Daniel Sepec and cellist Roel Dieltiens. PAUL McNULTY became interested in instrument building after Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore. Having studied piano technology in Boston, he earned guild qualifi
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